Author Guidelines

  1. The article has not been published in any publication and does not contain any element of plagiarism.
  2. Articles are typed using the Calibri type face with a font size of 10 left and upper edge margins of 4 cm and right and bottom edges of 3 cm. Maximum manuscript thickness of 20 pages with 1.5 spaces without attachments. Manuscripts are sent to the editor in the form of print outs and soft files. If there is a photo, it is created in JPEG format.
  3. The title of the article is no more than 15 words.
  4. The author's name is written in full without a degree and comes with the name of the institution/ institution, the address of the institution and the email of one of the authors.
  5. Abstracts must be written in English and abstract Indonesian are limited to 250 words with one space and come with 3-5 alphabetical keywords.
  6. The introduction contains the background of the problem and the purpose of the research.
  7. Research methodology is written as a sub-cause covering research design, place and time, sampling techniques or materials and tools; how to collect data (research stages), data analysis.
  8. Results and Discussion presents about the description of the data and the results of the research and important findings obtained. Discussion is a discussion that compares the results of findings with the concepts and findings with other relevant concepts and research results, not just a re-description of the results of the study.
  9. Conclusions present answers to research objectives and not summaries of research results. Suggestions can be written in different paragraphs in this conclusion section.
  10. The Referral List contains only the library cited in the article. The writing of the bibliography contains the names of the years arranged alphabetically by the author.
  11. This journal uses OJS PKP in publishing management